Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Round Two

And we're back!  It feels weird being back on campus with a semester schedule, after a long break and Interim.  I'm glad to be back.  Now that I have a handle on how college works, have great new friends, and have fun activities, I'm ready to focus more on school and finding out how I learn best.

Some of my goals for AmCon are to:
- read every night, even if I only have time to skim then reread later
- take notes during class so I can follow our always-changing, sometimes hard to follow discussions
- speak up more in class, even though what I have to say may not be the most eloquent or in-depth understanding of the texts and ideas
- actually remember to blog. every day.  :)

They may sound a bit like New Years Resolutions, but I figure now is a good time to step back and decide how I want this semester to go.  Good luck everyone, and enjoy your classes!


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