Wednesday, October 20, 2010

So. Much. Stuff.

Even though I really tried to minimize how much stuff I brought to school, I'm still overwhelmed at what I brought.  Granted most of it is necessary, like clothes, bedding, and toiletries, a lot of it isn't really needed.  I've got my Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter collection dvds, lots of scarves and jewelry, letters and pictures from home, as well as plenty of munchies.  This says a lot about me, that I like to watch movies with friends, express myself with clothes, spend time with my family, and of course eat delicious snacks. 

Life would be much different if we lived in colonial times.  I would only have what I absolutely need.  I wouldn't have to think about what to wear or what kind of entertainment to choose, because there just wouldn't be too many options.  That is one reason why I like camping and being surrounded by nature.  You only have what you need, nothing else.  You're just doing what you have to do to be safe and comfortable enough to enjoy the outdoors.  Now coming back from break I see all the stuff in my room and I wonder "How did I get it all in here??  Thank goodness for Hoyme's amazing shelving space."  Whenever I de-clutter or take things home I don't need or use, I feel rejuvenated because all it does is take up space.  Living more simply can give great peace of mind.

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