Monday, May 2, 2011

Presentation is done!

It's always a good feeling to finish a project or speech because all your work finally pays off in the end.  I'm really happy with how my group did because it was a challenge getting everything done in the midst of a busy weekend.  Here are some things I think we did well on and some things we could work on for future oral presentations.

Things worked well when we...
- met early on and split up parts for each person
- decided on meeting times and adjusted when we had to
- communicated through email and used Google Docs so we could work independently and as a group
- practiced and times our presentation
- used humor to make our content more interesting and approachable

We could have...
- practiced more
- gotten started even earlier
- talked more about how and when to use humor
- done more research as a group, or shared our individual findings more
- asked for feedback throughout the process

Good luck everyone, you'll do great!

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