Monday, September 20, 2010

St. Olaf Poem

"Flying/Driving/Biking to St. Olaf"

The clothes had been boxed up, ready to ship
While my little sister stares wide-eyed
And I step into the taxi
Driving away, I see the ferry to Vashon Island
Leaving the dock, headed out into the fog
After many red lights, we arrive at the airport
Dashing to the terminal, we almost miss the flight
But make it on just in time
As my parents quickly find their seats
Their excitement engulfs the place
And we're off

After what seemed like forever, we're here
It is a crazy Tetris game of minivans
I am at camp, bunkbeds and all
The Awkward Dance lived up to its title
And it would take me a long time before
I'd ever remember what my own bed felt like
As I head out to dinner with my advisor
My mom calls "goodbye!" out of the crowd

-by Karin Lubanovic & Kate Chrisinger

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