Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanks for Everything!

I think it's incredible that in the U.S. we have an entire holiday, a whole day devoted to cooking, eating, and hanging out with family.  Not that we don't do that on many other days as well, but it's so great that the goal of Thanksgiving is to just slow down and enjoy a meal (or several, depending on the left-over situation).

Very rarely do I ever give thanks for everything.  Sure things like health, success, and safety are the big ones.  But I really don't thank God for everything in between, the hard stuff that helps me get to where I am. 

- To do well on a test, I need to study, and now that I'm in college I need to study big time.
- To sleep well and be healthy I need to exercise, eat good food, and manage stress. 
- To do laundry I need to find that perfect time when nobody else is doing theirs.
- To make money I need to work. 
- To really appreciate all I have I need to miss it.

Being in college has helped me to appreciate my family so much more.  While during the school year and summer I was around them all the time, now I have to schedule visits and weekend trips to see them.  Granted I only live 1/2 hour from here, so it's pretty easy.  Thanksgiving was the perfect combination of cooking up a storm, then doing very few productive things for the rest of the day.  After lunch we all had homemade pumpkin pie, listened to my brother and his girlfriend play accordion and banjo, and watched movies like "Fantastic Mr. Fox".  An awesome day.

Thanks to all of you in AmCon.  When I signed up for this class I really didn't know what I was getting myself into.  I'm so glad I've been able to meet all of you and hear your ideas.  Hoyme is such a fun place to live because of all of you.  Good luck with your finals, and with the rest of your year!

I really am thankful for everything, the good, the bad, and the ugly.  College has been quite an adventure, and it seems that it keeps getting better every day.

1 comment:

  1. Karin,

    Thanks to you for this lovely meditation. I'm delighted that AmCon has allowed you these insights. I'm also pleased that you are able to notice in the midst of the semester. Too often we are too busy to notice what we are learning or what we have.

