Friday, March 4, 2011

Independence, Association, and Patriotism

In the paper we're writing for Monday, we're asked to show what de Tocqueville says about democracy.  That is a really difficult question to answer because he just has so much to say about it.  His observations and critiques are overwhelming because of the depth he goes into.  I'm going to write my paper about his views about independence, association, and patriotism.

Independence has immense benefits and drawbacks.  Being an independent person may mean you take care of yourself and don't rely on the aid of others (189).  You're the best judge of your own interest (82).  But this can also make you weak because you don't take full advantage of the help that's out there (672).  You may become isolated in your familiar and comfortable family and friends network, not engaging with others outside of it (697).  Then again, just because you're individualistic doesn't mean you don't care about others (526).

Association means voluntarily deciding to relate to, work with, and learn from others.  While the nation and the government may have huge, complex problems needing to be solved, civil associations can help in breaking them up into smaller, more manageable issues (523).  There are also religious associations that focus on the common good, sometimes to the point where pantheism emerges and everyone is seem as the same (451).  The common good is also reflected in the laws, which often affect the nation as a whole (232).

Patriotism and having a public spirit are really important for de Tocqueville, but he has reservations about its scope.  In the first section we read about many positive aspects of America and democracy.  The second section was much more critical and analytical.  While there is much to be proud of, we shouldn't be blindly patriotic to the point of dismissing our nation's faults.  He suggests cultivating our instinctive patriotism by being critical of America (235).  If we love our country then we will not settle for mediocrity.

1 comment:

  1. Karin,
    These strike me as excellent foci for your paper.
