Monday, March 7, 2011

Sarah Palin

Our class discussion today felt really natural and lots of people got to chime in, which was great.  On the topic of voting, I agree with those who said that some voters don't care about experience or wisdom and make their decisions based on who is most like them.

Like Jake, I want the smartest, most prepared people to be elected as public officials.  If I need to have surgery I want an experienced doctor and if my car breaks down I look for the best-rated mechanic to fix it.  I can see how some may see incredible smart, experienced and polished people as elite and out-of-touch with middle-class America.  Still, I would rather have someone who is confident in their experience and ability to govern.  This is why I could not vote for someone like Sarah Palin.  Here is an excerpt from her about President Obama's ability to govern:

"See because our president is so inexperienced in the private sector and in government and in actually running anything and making any kind of budget that inexperience has really made manifest in some of the statements he makes."

Then again, Palin didn't make the best decisions about governing her town as mayor. 

While humble beginnings and upward mobility may be admirable, they can't reach the respect I have for knowledgeable people who always want to listen to others and learn about how to best govern.

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